People usually complain a lot. That’s a fact. Ghanaians usually complain a lot. About everything. Another fact. I am Ghanaian. Yet another fact. So, lemme complain away…

“Charley, being broke in Ghana is hard ooo!!!”

“Like, what the heck? No one expected a ‘broke’ life to be easy but why must it be at the ultra-difficult option la???”

Why am I saying this??

Oh, I had an epiphany!!!

Wanna know about it???

Really, I don’t mind sharing but, first, more facts…

Me. I am not broke. I have been broke before. I sometimes get broke. I have friends who will tell you same. All facts.

Now my story…

So you see, the past few weeks or months, I’ve had to attend a lot of ceremonies. Of course, that is to be expected at this stage of my life; the existing social setup/structure demands marriages, childbirths and a host of new beginnings at this phase and most of my friends – especially female – are drinking the coolade. That’s good, great even!!!

But, this reality also means a dude like me – as introverted as I am – must battle his demons and show his face, for solidarity sake, even if for some seconds. That, in itself, again, is no biggie…

Now here’s my issue; unfortunately, in our part of the world, money is the universal language so no matter where you find yourself, be rest assured, money will be well represented and DEMANDED.

Here’s a scenario to chew on: we live in an era where banks are folding up like kɛtɛ, taxes are being placed on nitty-gritties and every church program requires an “offering“. The sun is hot, the ground is hotter, but the mind is hottest.

Adwen no ad)

And this is the story of the normal middle-class settled guy.

So now imagine, how are the broke ones surviving??

Suddenly, in this country, no one is able to give friendly loans anymore and for good reasons, prices of commodities keep getting high like they’re on weed, dollar rates keep rising like esam and the working class’ end of the stick keeps getting shorter. So how are the broke ones surviving??

This is an era where every event is a FUNDRAISER: weddings, funerals, outdoorings, and whatever gathering you may think of.

It really doesn’t matter, as long as people gather, expect to release some notes. You see these acts in themselves are not bad – it’s a sign of a society which aims to care but, considering everything else going on, you can’t help but wonder, how are the broke ones surviving??

Just recently, at a friend’s wedding, another friend – no snitching – had to sneak out just in time to swerve the “offering time” because he was broke and it was gonna be obvious if he sat when everyone else was lining up. You might say, who cares? I will answer, he does! And so do I!!

This person wanted to support his friend. He came with genuine intentions but there is always a great risk of getting tagged if he fails to do this money ritual because, as a people, we judge!! So, again, I ask, how are the broke ones surviving??

It has happened to me before ooo – at another wedding!!!

This time, it wasn’t even a line up…it was an auction style and the amount you dropped in the bowl got counted and broadcasted in the presence of the bride and groom and there was no way to avoid offering. To tell you how I endured is a story for another day. This is even aside all the other ceremonies we’re obliged to attend simply because we are “unfortunate enough” to be friends with the celebrants/participants; some of whom are sometimes even wealthier than us, their guests. Your worst nightmare is when the attending party is small. So how are the broke ones surviving??

If you don’t attend these events, wahala!

If you do attend, nsɛm pii!!

So how are the broke ones surviving??


Are they all swerving smartly before offertories?

Or are they simply enduring the stigma attached to sitting down when all others are filing past?

Are they giving their last coin, to avoid the former, only to walk home afterwards?

Or are they simply staying home no matter the consequences?

Seriously, how are the broke ones surviving??

Even well-paid folks are fussing about cash, creating lean budgets and living on survival skills, so how are the broke ones surviving?

Are they simply becoming self-imposed outcasts under permanent house arrest?

Or are they developing strategies to upset the odds against them?

How are the broke ones surviving??

On a more serious note, it is with great concern that I note how money-centric our society is becoming or already has become. No matter where you pass, there’s either a fund to contribute to or a token demanded.

Aside the financial burdens being placed on us, young folks, by unfriendly governments and systems, we’re also having to navigate through “acquired cultures” where at every turn, some form of monetary token is demanded. How are these young ones to survive and even thrive under such parasitic conditions? How are the broke ones surviving??

Already, we measure prominence and respect by the amount of money or properties one has, creating a greedy society, and now we’re adding these??

No wonder depression is on the rise!

No wonder we’re losing young souls to stress!!

No wonder our youth are being stricken with conditions previously only associated with aging hearts!!!

No wonder my grey hair keeps multiplying no matter how much “yomo” I apply…

Eii Ghana!!

I’m very curious…

How are the broke ones surviving??

How do we bail them out???

©aYoungMansRant  (#whatbeyourbrain)


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One thought on “#Kitorants: BEING BROKE IN GHANA IS HARD OOO…

  1. No, you’re not dreaming.
    Yes, it’s afternoon and I’m backkkk! Hehe
    Now to my comment-rant:
    1. Excellent presentation of topic
    2. Ikrrrrr…..right now everything is about money. And if I stay at home because I don’t have the money to go out, they’ll say I’m anti-so
    3. You’re about as introverted as I am…lol
    4. But seriously though before Covid it really was partay after partay. Especially December.
    5. Now we are judged by the quality of what we use and wear in order to even make friends sometimes…..
    Ey3 as3m oo

    Peace out! Lol….

    Liked by 2 people

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