Much as the mention of school can sometimes get me apprehensive, I did enjoy my early years of formal education. In fact, some of the fondest memories I have, in life, are of my days in Primary and Junior High school. I was blessed to be in a fun class with excellent teachers and this ensured a never ending stream of cherish-able and unforgettable memories. There are many stories I could tell you about those days and these exemplary characters but, for today, let me just tell you about one great tutor.

This man was my Maths teacher in Junior High and since maths was, and is, my favourite subject, I greatly enjoyed his class but there was one peculiar thing about this man; something that has etched him in the canals of my brain never to be deleted. Back then, in our school (and in almost every other school), usually we were taught, as we were rising through the various stages, that whenever a teacher (or even an adult) entered a classroom, as a sign of respect, the entire class would stand up to acknowledge and greet him. My class was thus no different in adhering to this rule; we had actually, by the time we entered Junior High, done this routine for so long that it had, somewhat, become second nature to us. Immediately a teacher entered, we always reacted on impulse and instinct to rise up and perform the famous greeting before any other engagement so imagine our dismay, surprise and discomfort when this man entered our classroom his first day of meeting us and shut down the entire routine.

Our very first class session with him, upon entering, we all stood up to undertake this exercise but he quickly stopped us, asked us to sit down then went on further to inform us never to stand up to greet him ever again because he regarded the whole routine meaningless. In his words, this whole “show of respect” was a mirage and that students only did it because they felt obliged to. To him, that was PANFU RESPECT.

PANFU RESPECT, by his definition, is a seemingly respectful/productive/necessary action taken not because the actor/doer actually wants to undertake it (as a sign of respect to the recipient), but rather, because it’s an obligation to be fulfilled usually to avoid negative repercussions. In other words, faking respect or goodly character to seem respectful or attract positive benefits.

Obviously, it took us a while to adjust to this but soon enough, “panfu respect” became a term we all used. For me, personally, this whole concept initially bothered me but, upon growing up, I soon realised he wasn’t wrong at all.

You see, as humans, we normally begin or undertake certain acts or deeds with genuine intents but as time elapses and this act eventually becomes a routine, soon enough, the value attached erodes. However, usually, fearing the repercussions of stopping such an exercise, we continue unabated just to keep up appearances

Consider the case of praying before meals or morning devotions, many of us, especially those from Christian homes, practically have been doing this all our lives but, today, I dare you to ask those people you know that how many are actually still doing it with the right understanding and motivation and the answers might get dismayed. In fact, many folks are only still conducting these exercises because that’s what they’ve grown up doing and that’s also all they know! Ask some folks, minutes after their devotion, to share it with you and it might become a contest of trying to drum up recollections. For many, these activities are routines done to satisfy their minds attachment to the order of the day.

Now, this can mostly be traced to the failure of the facilitator of that exercise (normally a parent or both) to properly educate the participants on the reason for undertaking the activity and the need to have the right motivations towards partaking in them. Usually, upon investigating, you will discover that, rather than the above, many were forcibly introduced to these routines by their facilitator(s) thus, over time, it becomes just an obligatory routine they engage in by default.

You’ll find members of the household not attaching any form of reverence to the exercise but, rather, they’ll just show up to be marked as present, usually to avoid the repercussions of their absence. Some also show up only to come and doze off or yawn throughout the engagement. I have personally witnessed this on countless occasions. In such a case, the whole routine becomes a panfu one; the child prays over his/her food before eating not because they believe in God but because that’s what his/her family does thus it’s all he/she has grown up knowing – Panfu prayer before meals.

Many Christians even undertake their personal morning devotion just to satisfy their minds that they have fulfilled their daily obligation – no relationship!!

Another case can be found in church attendance, many folks come to church not to find God or to seek His face or even to fellowship. They show up just because it’s Sunday and that’s what is done on Sundays. Such folks, many as they are, can be in church for decades, filling positions but never truly getting saved!

There are many other examples I could cite, in every area of life including marriages, were it not for time and space, but, basically, today, many people, churches and “Christians” are just following the motions – in other words, just “panfuing” and have no depth attached to what they do.

Today, many churches and “Christians” are engaging in PANFU PRAISES AND WORSHIP, PANFU PRAYERS, PANFU FELLOWSHIP, etc.: engaging in the acts but with no true intent, understanding, power or reverence attached.

This is why many pray repetitive prayers. I used to do same too. I had the same “before meals” prayer for years so like routine, I always recited it before a meal never really even considering what I was saying because man was in a hurry to eat.


This is a dangerous trend though; in Christ, everything we do must have a reason and a basis, without which the thing done or being done becomes meaningless so when the body of Christ starts undertaking panfu activities then churches become merely social clubs, devoid of true power. The entire basis of Christian living is relationship without which we’re just following religious tenets.

No wonder many are praying but few actually get results!
No wonder the church is seemingly growing but we’re struggling to influence our world!!
No wonder despite our “religiosity”, corruption is still increasing in our nations!!!

Isn’t it baffling that the prophets and patriarchs of old could do so much with so little yet we struggle to do even a little with so much abundance of Grace and Power??

Isn’t it strange that their actions could set nations on soul-searching, God-finding missions yet, in our time, we struggle to even win our next door neighbours??

Couldn’t it be that, maybe, we’re just panfuing about: having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof. Funny enough, scripture foretold this in 2 Timothy 3.

So today, let me ask you, the things you do, are you doing then with intent and understanding or are you just fulfilling “all righteousness”?

Why do you do the things you do or partake in the activities you partake in??

Are you acting on knowledge and purpose or are you just panfuing?

Remember, anything done outside of Faith is sin. So, start scrutinising your actions and questioning your motives. Identify the things you’re just panfuing through and rectify them before it’s too late…

Your life might just depend on it!

“Wisdom is the principal thing: in all thy getting, get Understanding.”

Remain loved and blessed…

It’s jux me,

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